Friday, November 2, 2012

Cute Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes I’ll always beside you Until the very end Wiping all your tears away Being your friend and lover I’ll smile when you smile And feel all the pain you do And if you cry a single tear I promise i’ll cry too Cute Love Quotes I dont know where i stand with you And i dont know what i mean to you All i know is everytime i think of you All i wanna do is be with you Cute Love Quotes  My love is like buried treasure, waiting to be found Cute Love Quotes  Love Never Fail,People Fail On Love Cute Love Quotes  “Meeting...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wise SMS

Be careful on your first step If the 1st-BUTTON of shirt is wrongly put, all d others are surely wrong. Always be Careful on your 1st STEP, Others will theirself come CORRECT. Don't spoil what you have Don't spoil what you have by desiring what you don't have . Bcoz . What you have now, is one of the many things you once prayed for..!! The pleasure of having a dream The pleasure of having a dream is that it is a fantasy. If it happens, it was never really a dream, it was destiny. Good morning Quote: "The minute you think of giving...

Wife SMS

Wife is Kidny Husband & wife are like liver and kidney. Husband is liver & wife is kidney. If liver fails, kidney fails. If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney. A A successful man is one A successful man is one  Who makes more money  Than his wife can spend.  A successful woman is one  Who can find such a man ... A line on a Husband's T shirt A line written on a Husband's T shirt : ALL GIRLS ARE DEVIL BUT MY WIFE IS QUEEN.. . . OF THEM..: Wife: What is so interesting in me Wife: What is so interesting...

Valentines Day SMS

Valentine’s Day Flirty Girl: Are You Single? Boy: No, I’m Plural. Girl: No, No, I mean, are you free on 14th Feb? Boy: No, actually I’m very expensive, You cant afford me. Happy Anti-Valentine’s Day Touchy Words of Valentines Day Lets these words not only touch your eyes, let them rest in your heart as you rest in mine. Be My Valentine Lovely Moments of Valentines Day Lovely Moments of Valentines Day 24hrs make a lovely day, 7  days make a lovely week, 52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a person like you will make my life lovely. Happy...

Thinking of u SMS

Som1 Remembers Som1 Remembrs, Somebody Cares. Your name is Whispered in som1's Prayers. Keep the Bright Hope of Sunshine in View. Som1 is Warmly THINKING of U.. Time n distance Time n distance can keep us apart, But we r always heart to heart, No matter its night or day, U r just a thought away. I do not think much I do not think much, I do not think often, but when I think, I think of you! . All The TIme Good time, Bad time, Night time, Day time, Work time, Off time, Sad time, Happy time, In the mean time I'm thinking of you all the...

Thank You SMS

I Thank U Bcoz I thank u Bcoz u Listen when I speak & U love me 4 who I am. I will thank u every day of My Life Boos Ur 1 of My Life's greatest gifts! Kindly Observe SILENCE For Two Minutes Gud Morning… Kindly observe SILENCE for two minutes in the memory of those poor mosquitoes who died last night after sucking ur blood. Thanks Sometimes Sometimes, life gets so busy that we could not find time to say " Thank you" to someone who has been so nice and wonderful. "Thank you!" Thank You 4 All U Do Thank you 4 all u do.  U r a true...

Tears SMS

may b I am wrong but…… may b I am wrong but the Person who Loves U, will Fight wid U more but if U drop a tear he will Fight the worLd to Stop Ur tears&hellip he will Fight the worLd to Stop Ur tears… "The MOST CRICTICAL MOMeNT IN LIFE" when someone very special hurt u so deeply, lots of tears in ur eyes. and ask,"WhaT HApPeNeD"? but u just reply, "NOTHING When A Person Cries… When A Person Cries Due To Happyness The 1st Drop Of Tears Comes From The Right Eye. But When It 1st Comes Frm The Left, Its Pain I wish my eyes... I wish...